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DIY arches


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They are not hard to make, and it is a LOT cheaper to make them yourself rather than have someone else make them for you. I made my arch last year with a single piece of 10 foot 1" PVC and 8 strings of lights. I measured and took 6" of each end and divided the rest into 8 equal sections. I used 1 strand of 100 count lights and wrapped them in each section, and I was done! It only took about an hour from the time I started until the time I finished.

Hope this helps, I know this hobby (a.k.a: addiction :D) can be really expensive and time consuming, but I'm just trying to help you save a buck or two.

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I have to agree, making your own can save you $$$. I think 1 arch prolly cost me about $12, That's counting all the following items: 1 ea. 10' x 1" pvc, 1 ea. 12' x 1 1/2 " foam pipe insulation (most people use 1 1/2" pvc) cut into 7 segments, 7 strands of 100 ct. incans. (LED's will work better but more expensive) and 2 ea. 3' rebar for use as stakes. Very easy to put one together.


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cpcarpenter wrote:

need 2 or 4 arches around 8 or 10 feet, anyone can make them let me know

Sent a PM!
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cpcarpenter wrote:

need 2 or 4 arches around 8 or 10 feet, anyone can make them let me know

If someone else makes them...

would they then be DIY arches???

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Ponddude wrote:

I know Ponddude is giving you the answer to question you asked but for these prices I would just buy a CCR and zip tie it to PVC pipe and you have an incredible arch for way less that those prices.

That's why I have 3 CCR arches, they were way easier and cheaper for me to construct.
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cpcarpenter wrote:

thanks alot how do you get your shows to go with the arches do you have to customize your show tunes to the arches or what thanks again. JJ

hard to understand your question exactly...

I don't "get my shows to go with the arches", but rather get my arches to go with my songs. I use them as a "beat" most of the time (though they can be used LOTS of ways)...so if you use your "Beat Wizard", you will already have a "timing beat"...I divide that "Timing Beat" by the number of segments in my arch (for me it is an odd number...either 7 for my big arches or 5 for my smaller ones)...then I do a "chase" within that timing beat so the arch corresponds with the beat in the music.

As for customizing...my answer is yes...my arches are "customized" (do something different) for each song I use them in...and don't feel you HAVE to use them in every song you have...

I will always be one that says "less is more" and you don't have to use every element you have in every song...or else all your songs start to "look" the same...
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Welcome CP.
Do you have any lightorama equipment now? we need to know where you are starting from before we can talk to you about how to sequence (program) the lights to the music.

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