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Singing Pumkin Face


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HELP!!!!! I have found 6 feet, 12 feet, & 18 feet rope lights. How do you set up the closed eyes? I'm also open for any additional information. I guess i'm just looking for a site to help me get custom lengths. Sorry, I'm sure someone has this up somewhere but i have not been able to locate it.

Thanks everyone.

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I am shore that someone who has done this before will help you....but what i did last year was use black tape to black out the parts of the rope lights i didn't wont to see, when i was making a train for my Christmas show. So i would suggest using the shortest rope light and making one straight line for the eyes closed and just putting black tape over the middle to make the spacing between the eyes and on any extra.

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jamie_huffman@hotmail.com wrote:

HELP!!!!! I have found 6 feet, 12 feet, & 18 feet rope lights. How do you set up the closed eyes? I'm also open for any additional information. I guess i'm just looking for a site to help me get custom lengths. Sorry, I'm sure someone has this up somewhere but i have not been able to locate it.

Thanks everyone.

I bought my rope light for my faces at actionlighting.com

The incandescent rope comes in 150ft rolls and cut to length every 18 inches. Use the 2-wire 3/8" rope light. 3/8" is easier to bend than 1/2". If you want LED rope light, then I believe you can only cut every 3 ft. The rolls come with 3 power cords, end caps, ect. You can purchase extra of these, depending on how many you need. For each of my faces, I needed 9. Two for each eye (4 total) and 1 for each mouth position (5 total).

As Charles stated, use black tape to cover the rope that is too long. He used black tape between the eyes...I seperated it. Either way works. His way probably better...less power cords.
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I got my ropelight from 1000bulbs.com. Came in a 150 roll.

Here are some screenshots of my pumpkin to help you out. you can clearly see the rope light I have to black out with black electrical tape.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I used 1/2" pvc for mine, the main face was built on a 6' x 6' frame, the 3 chorus faces, on 4' x 4' frames. both had cow fencing ziptied to it, the rope light was ziptied to the cow fencing.

The pix is Kevin's face (Cracker's), but mine were identical, save for the size. His is 8'x8', mine, 6'x6'..

Attached files 262295=14536-ThrillerPumkpinFaceLg.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just for another point of view, I got a 4x8 sheet of 1/4" fiberboard stuff (I've heard it called melomine(sp), but it's not the white one). I cut it in half for 2 4x4 pieces. I used 2"x2" lumber to build a frame on the back side, screwing the 90 degree angles with decking screws. I traced out the pumpkin outline, and drilled holes every inch or so, and then painted it black. Then I populated the holes with minilights. Certainly not as weather-resistent as yours, but I think the minilights on the solid black look nicer. The panels are sitting on the ground, attached at the top to steel fence posts, and tilted back slightly.

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  • 1 year later...

question for the pvc frame builders, what are you using for the netting?

you can also go to Tractor Supply and us Cattle Fencing (thin wire), a little more rigid than the netting.

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  • 1 year later...

jamie_huffman@hotmail.com wrote:

I bought my rope light for my faces at actionlighting.com

The incandescent rope comes in 150ft rolls and cut to length every 18 inches. Use the 2-wire 3/8" rope light. 3/8" is easier to bend than 1/2". If you want LED rope light, then I believe you can only cut every 3 ft. The rolls come with 3 power cords, end caps, ect. You can purchase extra of these, depending on how many you need. For each of my faces, I needed 9. Two for each eye (4 total) and 1 for each mouth position (5 total).

As Charles stated, use black tape to cover the rope that is too long. He used black tape between the eyes...I seperated it. Either way works. His way probably better...less power cords.


I know this is an old thread, but did you use white or clear rope light for your faces? I'm trying to decide if I should use rope light or just stick with LED bulbs (traditional size) in coro for my Halloween faces I'd like to try this year. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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