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Type of lights to illuminate pumpkins


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My Halloween display this year is going to feature a five channel "chorus" of pumpkins. Each channel will have 3 to four pumpkins each. I figure it would be best to light the pumpkins up with either C7 or C9 lights. However, I only need 3 to 4 bulbs for each channel. Does anybody know how I could accomplish this? I appreciate it.

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Is there any kind of tutorial on how to attach the C9 lights to the wire and plugs? I'm a dunce when it comes to wiring anything. Also, what vendor should I but the lights and wire through?

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The plugs just snap onto the wire...

The wire has a ribbed side and a non-ribbed side...

Normally you want the ribbed side to come in contact with the prong that goes to the OUTSIDE of the socket (neutral).

There are many vendors...

CDI - http://www.creativedisplays.com/siteresources/modules/webstore/scripts/prodList.asp

Action Lighting - http://www.actionlighting.com/Items.asp?Criteria=c9+socket

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I guess I'm a little confused. So all I need is the separate C9 sockets, the SP2 wire and then the plugs for either end? Do the vendors you referenced sell all of this together.? Do I need to solder anything? Thanks a million.

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marsh28 wrote:

I guess I'm a little confused. So all I need is the separate C9 sockets, the SP2 wire and then the plugs for either end? Do the vendors you referenced sell all of this together.? Do I need to solder anything? Thanks a million.

Yep...separate C9 sockets, the SP2 wire and then the plugs (Male and Female vampire plugs) for either end.

You can also buy the sockets already installed on the wire..but they usually com ein LARGE lengths (500' and 1000' I think) with the sockets at different spacing (6", or 12" for example)...but then you would be wasting a lot of sockets.

No soldering...just push the wire into the prongs...
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I know that CDI sells that as small sets. I purchased a set with 5 socket, 25 ft' wire and both vampire plugs for a few sets on strobes that I purchased. But if you will be doing several strings then it probably makes more sense to purchase the items separately and string them to your own desire.

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