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ok Computer Guru's

Dale J

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ok i know there are several people on this forum that are alot more teck savvy than i am so here is my question.

my LOR computer has shot craps it wont boot, how ever the hard drive appears to be ok, so i have installed it in an external usb drive holder and have tried to access it thru a different computer which it looks like i can get to all my files but when it comes to my docs and pictures i get a you do not have access to these folders, i have tried to do the share route but its not working either, i did this with may daughters HD and it said the same thing but all i had to do was click continue and it then let me have access,the new laptop has windows 7 home my old laptop had xp is there anything i can do?

its kind of weird, i have gotten to two of my picturse folders and did the share route and now they have locks on them but i can see the pictures the others that i have gotten to will not let me see the pic

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Hey Dale,
I repair computers, and have to do this all the time, same exact thing you are dealing with.

You just need to take ownership of the directories and files. I have a link that is pretty good, it is too late for me to write it all out, and this person has screen shots.


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paulanator wrote:

Hey Dale,
I repair computers, and have to do this all the time, same exact thing you are dealing with.

You just need to take ownership of the directories and files. I have a link that is pretty good, it is too late for me to write it all out, and this person has screen shots.


This link gives pretty good directions. In step 6 of the Taking Ownership portion, type EVERYONE in the box where it says moderator in the example. Then click on Check Names to the right of the box. It should underline EVERYONE then click OK. Then when granting permissions (the bottom section of the link) just click on EVERYONE in the list and give it full permissions. Click OK and your all set. :D
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Thanks Guys for the info i will give it a shot when i get home from work, its just frustrating it does that, thanks again

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thanks a million, the info on the link was great, and after several atempts i finally got the hole drive's ownership changed. and know just have to get LOR put on this new laptop and get all my files where they belong, thanks again and as usual the people on this forum are fantastic,

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Windows 7 Forum (www.sevenforums.com) is the BEST place I've found for 7 Help.. one of the threads in it was your exact problem.. there is a small zip file foating around (takeownership.zip) that has small registry hacks that will let you take ownership of anything on a drive.. I use it all the time when transfering otr editting files.. it's tiny, free and very good.. Hope this helps you or anyone else.


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