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Musical Sequence problem


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Hey there experts!
I am creating a musical sequence...but when I try to import the mp3...it isn't in my requester. I shorten one that is in the requester with audacity and export it in 128 format to Lor Sequences/Audio...but it doesn't show...I can see it with the folder view program in there. I have tried exporting as wave as well as mp3 but no joy. I'm sure I'm just missing something here...:?

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rodman1369 wrote:

Hey there experts!
I am creating a musical sequence...but when I try to import the mp3...it isn't in my requester. I shorten one that is in the requester with audacity and export it in 128 format to Lor Sequences/Audio...but it doesn't show...I can see it with the folder view program in there. I have tried exporting as wave as well as mp3 but no joy. I'm sure I'm just missing something here...:?

Are you clicking on...edit...media file to add your mp3? Then you want to click on file and save it after that.
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Thanks for reply. I am creating a musical sequence...when I choose musical, it opens up a requester to the audio folder. I can see the original mp3...but not the shortened one I edited and exported as a 128 bitrate mp3. Other mp3s load just fine. And I can see the short file in windows explorer.

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Maybe your not selecting the right location for your file.Also make sure to select all supported files

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Try changing to a constant bitrate. As well you say you do not see the file. That tells me their is a issue with how it was saved. Lor does not recognize it because their is a issue with the file. You may to check your settings before you save the file.

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Or you can do this step. And it should work

1.At the bottom of the Audacity window, set the Project Rate to 44100 Hz.
2.In the File Formats preferences, choose WAV (16-bit...)

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Ok..thanks for all the suggestions. I have tried all but the 44100hz or wave. At work now. Will try and post when I get home. Thanks again.

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