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Beat Wizard


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Is there any songs that work really well with the beat wizard? so far all of my sequencing has been with the tapper. Im looking for easy songs to sequence with the beat wizard. Wizards of winter was my first song. I thought it was an easy song to sequence. i have started on some other songs but not having that much luck with it. I had wizards of winter completed for 16 channels but i just found out my dad is gonna buy me another controller. i will have to redo it for 32 channels. i'll post a video when i finish.

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In my experience I've found that the Beat Wizard works well with just about everything. (Check any of my videos and judge for yourself.) Songs with tempo changes sometimes pose a challenge. And sometimes I need to rely on the waveform to help me manually align a few timing marks at the beginning of a song. But even those two things combined, it's still waaaaaaaaaaaay quicker than doing it manually with the Tapper. With my musical skills and reflexes, if it wasn't for the Beat Wizard I probably would have given this hobby up before I ever got my first controller.

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What I suggest you do is download a couple of free sequences
And play around with them. It will give you an idea of how other
people sequence. Don't worry if your sequencing is not perfect.
When you fire your lights up for the first time you will forget about
little imperfections. I was so stressed when I first started
sequencing I thought I was gonna lose my mind. Good luck and
ask questions. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask!

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eschlomach wrote:

I guess a better question would be is which songs were easier to sequence? This being my first year i should probably stick to the easier ones.

I would suggest, in order:

1) Songs that you know and like

2) Songs with a steady tempo/beat

If you select music that has both of those attributes, so much the better. Once you've got your setup finalized and can see it in your mind; and once you hear a song often enough so that you can see it starting to form in your mind also, then sequencing will become a lot easier, no matter the music selection.
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Still not finished but let me know what you think.
The arch is on the same 8 channels as the mega tree.
It looked good in this song but i don't know about the rest of them. I already have it built. maybe i will have to keep it in storage till next year or tell my dad i already built the arch and have to have another controller. lol
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