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audacity regulating the volume

Guest Don Gillespie

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Guest Don Gillespie

I have audacity and I am playing back my medley I notice a change in the volume when it is being played how do you regulate the volume so that each song being played is at the same audio level? :P

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wallleyes wrote:


I use MP3 gain for doing that.Here`s a download link.Its a free program.


Please NOTE: MP3 Gain is a great program (especially for the price: FREE!), and I do highly recommend it, but it DOES NOT ALWAYS make every MP3 the EXACT same volume level!

I have, and use this software regularly for doing this too, however, some MP3's VOLUMES DO NOT CHANGE.

I have some that even after I set the volume to 95%, they would not go above 89% volume, whereas others did change, so I'd drop the volume to the lowest MP3 volume (usually 89%) in my list, but then instead of that one staying at 89%, IT WOULD DROP LOWER!

Now I don't know why this happens, so my suggestion is try to increase all your MP3's to the same volume (I use 95%) at the same time, then remove those that stay at the lowest rate you have in the list that didn't change (usually 89%), then leave all those that are higher than 89% in the list, drop the level to 89% and do the increase gain option again. I also disable the clipping option, as that created other issues as well in some of my MP3 files by clipping out parts of the music!

It can be time consuming to get all your MP3 files to around the same volume, but it can be done, just not always all at the same time, which I'm sure most would prefer.

Most of mine are 89%-91% (3% difference) in volume, but that isn't as disernible when using an FM Transmitter or amplified speakers, unlike a big difference of 89%-95% (6% difference) in volume which is.

Just my experience with using the MP3 Gain software, again, it is a fantastic program and I use it all the time myself and highly recommend it.
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Guest Don Gillespie

wallleyes wrote:

It will do a whole folder at once.Yes it works with audacity.

So how do you use it I have it downlaoded and have tried to add a file but I have no clue, I already have changed most of my music to a wave file so the wquestion i have is do I have to change them back over to an MP3 file in order for this work? and then the final question is can I import the whole LOR audio file and have them all at the same volume??
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