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evana wrote:

Reading all these sequencing posts reminds me of one of the biggest things that helped me, the scroll wheel program KatMouse which enables your mouse's scroll wheel in the Lights O Rama Sequence Editor.


Interesting. My mice on all my different computers, the scroil wheel is enabled, and functional, on all computers that I have the sequencer installed on, even works in the other LOR programs as well.

Never needed an external program to enable my mouse wheel in the LOR software (I'm suing Windows XP Home Edition on all systems).

I just "enabled" the mouse wheel from the mouse setting in the Windows Control Panel, set it to scroll 3 lines (not pages) at a time. Works just fine in the LOR Sequencer (v2.9.4)

I'm really surprised you or anyone would need an outside, third party software program to enable your/their mouse wheel in the LOR software.
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