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nightly forum watch emails


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Can these nightly emails sent at midnight (eastern) be disabled. I never read them, and would always delete them, recently I started getting 2 per night, however last night I got 15 of them.

So in short, is there an option somewhere for me to disable this for my account?


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I see 2 options, Posts as they come in or Daily digests

The Posts as they come in sends me an email every time someone post in any of my watched forums, not want I want

The Daily digests sends me a nightly email(s) of all updates in my watched forums, this is what I'm trying to stop, however it appears I have to have one of the above selected.

So my original questions stands.

I have no problem getting emails when a topic is updated in which I'm watching (Keyword, topic, not forum). but I don't need emails every time a post is made in a watched forum, or a nightly email.

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Going from memory here, your only option is to turn off the Watched Forums. That will prevent the emails coming in on a digest/individual basis, without affecting the watched threads.

The wowbb system doesn't have any other options.

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