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Good Cat 5 Cableing and Connections

Roger Leon Forbes

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This is my third year and would like to express my thanks to those that help me find some problem areas. I also want to express how inportant it is to have really good Cat 5 cable and connections. I was having touble with channels staying on and others not coming on at all when I was told "make sure you Cat 5 is good". I bought one of the data cable testers and tested all cables, no supprise several where bad or not crimped good on the connections. I was useing the white station wire cat 5 from the phone office, I removed all the white and got a roll of Blue Data Cat 5, a little more money wise but worth it, I replaced all cables and double checked all connections. What a difference, no lock ups, no staying on, no lost units. If any advise to anyone, make sure of your Cat 5, it will save you a lot of problems and don't forget to cross or flip the center wires, it does make a big difference.

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