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2.6 software

Cary D Coxwell

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I have last yrs software version 2.6. I see that there is a 2.10 available. I think I should go ahead and dnload it but I wanted to check with the experts here first. What do y'all think???

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I'm of the opinion that if your present software version is working properly and doing the job you need it to do, then this is the WORST time of year to even think about an upgrade. Save yourself the unnecessary potential stress and wait until after the lighting season.

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I respectfully disagree with my friend George, but this late in the season, your own risk and comfort levels should be the deciding factors.

Ver 2.6.0 was released Nov '09, so apparently you missed all the 2.7.x and 2.8.x versions that have been released in between 2.6.0 and 2.9.4.

I have 2.9.4 and am comfortable with it.

If you are using the same sequences as last year, then I will agree with George and say stay with 2.6.0

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I got the system late last yr, so I was unable to set it up in time for christmas. I started last wk and I only have one custom music sequence on this software.

The reason for my post is I had read somewhere on here that the 2.94 version let your lights stay on after the show had quit. I'm assuming once the sequence ends the lights just go off and stay off or what. Please shed some light.

Thanks for responding to this thread.

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There have been lots of enhancements to many areas in all of the software versions since last year.

If you have only one sequence, have never run a show, and plan on making more, I would go with 2.9.4 to have the advantage of the many enhancements that make the entire sequencing process easier.

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Oy-vey, This sequenced lights is NOT a turn key operation. It is something that you start to work on once your lights are up this year, and you get a head start on next year by working on next year now.

As for the software update. I am like mind with George. Dont mess with it now if you plan to do any kind of display this year. Not all updates on all computers go off without a hitch. You dont want to be rebuilding your hard drive due to a software crash right now. You dont even have a show going yet. Shoot the majority of us had our shows up and running either the day after Thanksgiving or the 1st of Dec.

Cut down on the baloney and get right to the meat of the matter. Get your lights up and your sequences built and a show built. Worry about the little stuff like software updates later.

Oh, I am not real sure, but I believe that all versions gave you the option to turn off lights after the show or to leave them on. Speaking about the versions for the past two years..

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