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Lights drop out


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I think that I posted this in the wrong forum, so here it is again. I have some lights that keep dropping out. Here is the set up. I have drummer that keeps beat with a song. I am using 5 channels, two for the right arms, two for the left arms, and one for the rest of the drummer. The song is 2 min. 43 sec. Long. If I control the lights with the Sequence Editor, everything works. But when the show is running, after about 45 sec. The drummer drops out, the arms still work. They come back on after about 1 min. 14 sec. And stay on for 30 sec. Then drop out for the rest of the song. I have switched controllers for the drummer outline only, and the same thing happens. I don’t understand, if the lights work with the Sequence Editor, why will they not work with the show running.

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Are you sure you don't inadvertantly have the same channel (the drummer's body) assigned to two different circuits or controllers?

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I got it fixed, I did and do not understand why the drummer worked when I run the song with the Sequence Editor, but would not work when the show was running. :? I just erased the program for the controler and channel for the drummer, saved it, and then reprogram the channel again and then saved it again. Run the entire show, and it worked.

I would like to thank everyone that replayed and tryed to help. Thenk you very much. :D

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