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How do I tell what version firmware I currently have on my CTB16PC?


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I have two CTB16PC controllers I bought in November of 2009. How do I tell what version firmare they have on them and whether I need to upgrade? Also, if I upgrade the firmware, what version should I be putting on them?


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Using the hardware utility, hit the refresh button and it should find both controllers. It will list what type of controller it is and the firmware version. I believe the latest fimware is 4.32, but thats off the top of my head.

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tekcor1 wrote:

I have two CTB16PC controllers I bought in November of 2009. How do I tell what version firmare they have on them and whether I need to upgrade? Also, if I upgrade the firmware, what version should I be putting on them?


If these were purchased in November 2009, they possibly have ver 4.40 on them. If so, that is ONLY firmware currently released for these boards, do NOT try to change it.

If the boards do not have 4.40 on them, then 4.32 is the latest ver for older 16PC boards.
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