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I am so freaking giddy to run my first show. I have been testing the mega tree all evening till my wife told me to turn it off and go drink beer. I listened to her.

I will go live Sat 11-27 at 7:00CSt and I cannot wait. I have vowed not to watch the whole show myself till that time. I am programming a test song tonight to help calm my nerves.

I am still not happy with my FM transmitter but I will just have to live with what I have.

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Mike Arnott wrote:

I have been testing the mega tree all evening till my wife told me to turn it off and go drink beer.

Fine woman.
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Mike Arnott wrote:

I have been testing the mega tree all evening till my wife told me to turn it off and go drink beer. I listened to her.

She's a keeper!:)
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I completely understand your feelings and I am going through them right now. Thankfully, I have a fully supportive spouse also, and she is addicted as I am.

I had to read your post, she cracked up, because tonight we had a few friends by to test the lights, and we got rave reviews and everyone is amped up!

Great job. Have fun, and a cold one for me!


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SLICK wrote:

which FM transmitter? 

Mobile black box ellipse 4000. I am still working with their customer service. They sent me a new unit but now they think it may be the power supply or antenna. So far they have been easy to work with.
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Mike Arnott wrote:

SLICK wrote:
which FM transmitter?

Mobile black box ellipse 4000. I am still working with their customer service. They sent me a new unit but now they think it may be the power supply or antenna. So far they have been easy to work with.

Thanks,..... My wife bought me one of those. So I ended up sending it back. COuldnt get it to work darn near at all. I am in limbo right now because I sent it back. So I have been trying to figure out what to get besides the MBB.

I am leaning toward the WHOLEHOUSEFM TRANSMITTER. Even though I was wanting to buy the Ramsey FM30B. I don't have the time to put the Ramsey Kit together this late in the game. And one that is already put together is roughly $100 more than the kit.
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That's what get me about FM transmitters. Many here say the love the MBB but for you and I it has not worked. Same for the whole house. I guess it has to do with the environment you are in as to which one works for who.

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Had some issues with my MBB. Turned out they were all associated to the transformer you plug in the wall. The power is too dirty. Fortunately you can plug them into a spare USB port where the power is clean.

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Do the MBB units have a walwart for an external power supply? I had issues with a EDM last year but never had a chance to test it with a linear power supply walwart instead of switching walwart. Luckily I had a Ramsey FM100B which seams to be more immune to outside interference.

This year I switched from a laptop to a desktop and tested it with the linear walwart and it worked like a charm.

The sad part is the EDM unit is $200 plus and they ship it with a $2 power adapter when they could ship it with a $10 unit that could make the difference.

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Mike Arnott wrote:

I have been testing the mega tree all evening till my wife told me to turn it off and go drink beer. I listened to her.

Hang on to her!
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