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Light flashes

Nancy Harris

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What is used to make the random light flashes that you see in some music sequences? The height varies and I can't figure out how they achieve that effect.

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You are probably referring to strobe lights that create the bright flashes.

Each person using strobes determines where to place them throughout their display, and when to turn them on in their sequence.

I typically use 50 in my megatree, and 20 to 30 others in other parts of my display.

Back in May, many of us on the Christmas Carolina forum ran some exhaustive tests on three kinds of stobes, including operating them in a refrigerator and in a freezer for extended periods of time.


The Xenon ones from Christmas Light Show failed the refrigerator and freezer tests.

The Xenon Strobes from Creative Displays performed really well.

Also the LED Strobes from Creative Displays did really well, however their light output is "different" then the Xenon Strobes, which was to be expected.


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