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mounting controllers

Terry Hurrle

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I have a pretty good sized locking tote and I want to mount my controllers in up side down and run the cords out grooves that are in the top of this. Looking at the controllers I see no problem but I wanted to ask before doing it. Reply or two please,
Thank You

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Should be fine as long as the totes won't let any water in (where the cords run out of the "grooves") since water would then run into the only vulnerable part of the enclosure (where the cords enter it) that would now be on the top. Seal with silicone if there is a chance of that.

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Here are pictures of the box. It will be wrapped in that plastic Christmas wrap looking bag along with a couple other boxes under the mega tree and chained to the tree. If they want it they will have to tear the whole tree down.

Attached files 217393=12099-box 2.jpg

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Just got to ask. Why? Why do you feel the need to mount the controllers upside down? By doing so, you risk the chance that the water will run along the wires and then down into your controllers. Now true I believe the odds are slim. But why chance fate?

But then too, not my controllers or my problem. But had to ask, why.

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I agree with Max - Paul. Condensation will eventually form on your AC dongles and water droplets will run back into your controllers no matter how good you seal your case. In an indoor setting this would not be a problem. To be safe I would mount the AC dongles down and let gravity work for you. That's just my 2 cents.

Good Luck............

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Guest wbottomley

Terry Hurrle wrote:

Hey William I was born in the day but it wasn't yesterday. I do appreciate the humor however.


I wondered how long it would be before someone replied to what I said.

Anyway.... nice idea.
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