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Mega Tree Pole


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HI all, I am going to put up a twenty five foot mega tree this year. I have 3 pcs of one inch galvanized cut steel tube. 2 sections at ten ft and one at 5 feet tall. The base is 12 x12 x 20 filled with quik crete and the 5 ft pole ( easy storage) the base will be anchored to the ground using turnbuckles attached to 4 two ft metal stakes drove into the ground at an angle. I will put the sections together with couplers. I will hold the pole with three guy wires about 23 ft up staked to doggy tie out stakes. Does anyone see a problem with this setup?
thanks in advance for your comments

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One inch steel tube may not be heavy enough for the weight that it will handle and wind You may have to go to a bigger and heavier gauge such as 11/2" pipe scdle 40 or 80 would be better

Just my opinion from other posts that I have read

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Depending on the number of light strings (weight), big problems with this setup. 20' plus I would go to 1.25" pipe and also guy wire at the halfway point. I have also seen dog stakes come out after rain followed by wind.

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brownjm74 wrote:

First thing, don't forget to edit your profile on where you live.

I would suggest the JUMP -Jack Up Mega Pole. I have lots of information and videos at the below link. If you have any Q's just send me a PM.

Jeremy B.

JUMP information:


I making mine its not to bad to build. The base is heavy and I used a 2" pole to 1 1/2" pole. Having a friend at his shop tomorrow to drill the holes.
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I had this concern with mine. it wobbled to much when i shook it after it was up and loaded. I added guy wires to the middle point in addition to the ones at the top. very stable after that.

Getting it up is a pain. PVC is kinda like a limp noodle at 14ft long or so. even with a 10ft length of the next size down binding the two outer sections together.

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Nova5 wrote:

I had this concern with mine. it wobbled to much when i shook it after it was up and loaded. I added guy wires to the middle point in addition to the ones at the top. very stable after that.

Getting it up is a pain. PVC is kinda like a limp noodle at 14ft long or so. even with a 10ft length of the next size down binding the two outer sections together.

Wow, with PVC it would wobble like a wet noodle! That's why I recommend using Rigid Electrical Conduit. This year my Mega Tree will be 30 feet tall and NO guy wires. I did hear that a guy out east is making a JUMP that goes to 40 feet tall!!!!

Jeremy B.
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friskybri wrote:

I making mine its not to bad to build. The base is heavy and I used a 2" pole to 1 1/2" pole. Having a friend at his shop tomorrow to drill the holes.

Yea that base is quite heavy! I bought a furniture moving cart to move the base down the sidewalk and to my spot on the lawn for placement. If I could get away with it, I would have a permanent base! But the portable base does allow the flexibility of moving it to a different location if you wish. And yes the drill press makes it a lot easier to drill those holes!

Jeremy B.
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