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SPT wire

Bruce Kryfka

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I am in the process of getting what I need to build my leaping arches. Is there a certain guage thickness of SPT wire that is preferred or does it matter. And is there a difference of using SPT 1 over SPT 2. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :?

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SPT-2 usually has a thicker insulation, but I believe both are 18 AWG wire.

Do a search on SPT2 within this LOR forum and you will find a TON of posts about it.

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I personally plan on SPT1 since it is "thinner" (though just insulation). That way it fit better under my arch sleeves (or take up less room under your light wraps if you didn't use sleeves).

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I use SPT1 wire and today I scored at Lowes. Check your local
Store. I bought 250ft rolls for $18.00 each.

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