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animation pic


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Hi all,
Newbie here,sorry if this has been asked and answered before but I couldnt find the answer.
Is there any way to copy your animation picture to your other sequences so you dont have to keep redrawing it?Also your channel property grid.
sorry if this is a double post.

Thanks in advance..Kim:)

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I don't have the software in front of me...but the best I remember, once you draw your animation and set your channel the way you want...go to:

tools->export channel properties (or something like that).

This will save animation (drawing and all) along with channel lineup.

Hope this helps.


Also, to access this info for the next sequence...just go to:

tools->import channel info

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Hey I will give you another little tid bit.

1. if you make a change in one sequence. Add an item in your animation pic or channels. Export and then open each of your other seq. and import. This will keep all of your sequences updated.

2 if you use tracks like I do (8 in all at this time). Do not move your tracks around. Hide them if you need to have two tracks side by side. Things got real squirrely when I exported from one sequence and imported into another seq but the track had the same names and same channels. But the track numbers were different because I moved them up or down so that two tracks where next to each other to make it easier to work on two of them. Well my programming for my arches were now controlling the lights on my house. I also noticed that in one case all of my programming moved up one row in one track. That's because the seq I was importing into, I had inserted a new channel.
Both of these are not a problem if it is a brand new seq and you import into it. My fix for old seq. is to manually create the new channel in the right location in the right track. Then do the import.

Sorry if this is confusing. Just trying to relay that I had some problems as a newbie myself.

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