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Video Playback


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I have incorporated video in to my light display this year, however, I noticed at the end of each video in the upper left hand corner of the video screen, a LOR pop-up appears for just a second. What is this? How do I remove this? Any words of wisdom would be appreciated. I thank you in advance for your assistance.

Cordially, Edge

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In my search of the forum I noticed that you were experiencing the same issue that is currently a problem for me. I have tried everything I know to try to eliminate the pop-up window. The window is associated with LOR Video and it only occurs at the end of a sequences that contains a videos. Setting the delay between sequences to 0 does not eliminate this window. Did you ever find a solution to this problem? Does anyone else know how to kill this distracting pop-up window?


Skip Waller

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Hey Skip, no one has answered this question. Keep in touch if you have the solution and I will return the courtesy. Thank you kindly,


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There is another thread in the forum on the same subject. I was trying to find it again to provide a pointer for you. I'll have to look again when I have more time. The person who posted the issue was able to resolve the problem but his solution did not work for me.

I have the most current version of WMP and I wonder if that is part of the problem. If I minimize the window when it comes up initially, it seems to stay minimized. I'm still working the issue.



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There is another thread in the forum on the same subject. I was trying to find it again to provide a pointer for you. I'll have to look again when I have more time. The person who posted the issue was able to resolve the problem but his solution did not work for me.

I have the most current version of WMP and I wonder if that is part of the problem. If I minimize the window when it comes up initially, it seems to stay minimized. I'm still working the issue.



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Thanks Skip,

I tried to find something to this effect, however, I was unable to. The show must go on. Let me know if you find any solutions. I will let you know if I do as well.

Happy Hoildays,


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