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CTB16PC stopped all output


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I'm a first time LOR user and have 1 16 channel box (CTB16PC)set up for Halloween. It has been running shows for the past few days, no problem, all was great.

However, this morning, I noticed a lamp I added in yesterday was still on. This was my fault as I forgot to add it into the shutdown sequence. After a few minutes, this was fixed.

Because I've had issues with comm ports in the recent past, I thought, ironically enough, that the easiest way to clear this output would be to cycle power to the box. When the box came back up and joined the network (steady red LED, able to see it through Hardware refresh) it has completely stopped turning on any outputs. It does not work through the hardware app, sequence editor, or show player. I've restarted both the box and computer a number of times and can't figure out what's wrong.

This box is bussed onto 1 15 amp circuit, and both 110vac fuses are good. Basically, everything SEEMS ok, except it won't turn on any lights!!

Any thoughts? Is there an issue with removing power to the board under load (very small load)?

Thanks, in advance,

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There should be zero issue removing power under load, aside from the damage to the cord ends that are unplugged. The fact you still have a solid status light implies that the power to the logic, and the logic itself are good.

Two things I would recommend. Try using the hardware utility to locate the controller, and confirm it is at the address you think it is. Try controlling lights through the hardware utility..

Then try resetting your controller. Since it is a CTB16PC:

  • Remove all power
    Note where the jumper is on the second row of pins, and remove it
    Apply power. You should see the status light go fast blink
    Remove power
    Put the jumper back on the second row of pins
    Power up and test.

Then you can repeat the hardware utility tests, and then test in the sequence editor and/or show player. Remember, only 1 LOR program can have the serial port at a time. So you may have issues if you are trying to test through the sequence editor, and shows are already enabled.

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Thanks for your response.

The jumper reset you mention is the only thing I haven't tried yet. I will do that ASAP.

Under hardware utility, it is the correct address, everything looks good. I've been very careful with which LOR app has control of the comm port, I don't believe this to be the issue.

Thanks, again, I'll post with an update.

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Ray, when you have the Hardware Utility running (so it sees the controller) are you then trying to run some lights with the HU still loaded? The sequence editor wont work as long as something else is acesssing the comm port. Exit the Hardware Utility, -then- try the sequence editor, it should work.

Cycling power should not have any effect on whether the board is working or not, it's a comm port acess problem, thats all.. shut off everything else, then run the sequencer, you should be able to control the lights.

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Hi, TJ,

Thanks for responding.

To be clear, I'm not using sequences at all during this troubleshooting. I've only been using the Hardware Utility.


Find unit with Hardware Utility->attempt to control channels via Console

In the very beginning I was burned with comm port drama (I didn't realize only one LOR app could have the port open at a time) so I'm very careful now!


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To clarify,

You are saying you have a solid red light on the board and the HU finds the box with no problem?

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When you "cycled the power", you pulled both power cords out (for ch's 1-8, 9-16) did you plug them both back in? May sound like a stupid answer, but the controller wont work without both AC feeds powered.. I went a day before I figured that out..

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Brian - Yes, solid red, and hardware utility finds it no problem.

TJ - Both sides are bussed together, it's only set up for 15amps. (But good thought!)

Thanks, everyone!

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Many thanks to all who've responded so quickly. A reset via the onboard jumper, as klb suggested, fixed the issue.

Thanks, again, what a great community.


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