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Help With ServoDog Part#


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I just got a new power supply, and with out checking it I hooked up to the servodog and ir motion detectors, and after doing a walk test of motion detectors, i smelled burning electronics, I found that i melted the IC5 Mosfet on servodog:(. I just un-soldered it, but can't read it fully. I can make out this much is from ST (stmicroelectronics) e3 in circle then 2n, then 7805 or 2805 This is where the melt is then on bottom i only can get gk. If anyone that has one can you please look at numbers, so that I can order a new one ASAP, I need the inputs for trigging my halloween pneumatic props. I can do without the 3axis talking skull(still working the sequences anyways.LOL. Any help tracking this IC mosfet would be great. Thanks


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Forgot to add that power supply had 4 leads coming out of it 2 were red pos, and black neg. other two had red as neg. and black as pos., so i had reverse polarity on servodog and a couple motions, funny the motions worked well reversed. After examining the diagram it states on it that 2 were in reverse. Let that teach me a lesson that things arent always as seems.

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Thanks for the reply. Mine melted right below the 7805 which i now think the 0 is a D when turned to side a little it turns to D from top looks like a 0. I can't read anything below that where your M911 (looks like a 11?) is. I talked to Dan today on phone and he thinks he might have one around the shop somewhere. When I finally get the chip I'll see if any damage went pass it? Does it look like there is a GK in front of the M9? Buckey looks sad, and dead without brain.


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