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Idea help........32 channels


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HI guys/gals.

Interesting situation here. My wife has put the kibosh on our display this year (due to a 3 year old who is feeling a bit destructive). We normally do our porch (which we can view from our living room). Anyways, back to the home display next year.

In the meantime, I have a 32 channel system and we're going to do a "tree display" here at the office. Now, Im not a real creative guy so I'm looking for some help. I need to get the bang for space as possible.

Here is the basic setup:

a big 7", and wide tree viewed from 3 sides (not the back which will be up against a wall. Tree skirt on the bottom and looking to maybe include some light-up gift boxes to add a part of the display.

I have lights and the ability to get lights.

I have stringed flasher lights (the strobe/flash kind).

I have 16 mini parcan lights with multiple colors.

Anyways, I have to keep this where it looks clean so I dont want to overdo the parcan lights. I need to keep as much hidden as possible behind the tree. I dont need our executives making us take this down (we're fine as long as it looks clean).

My main questions are for creative. How could I get as many channels as possible (even if not 32)? The tree is artificial, should I consider putting small 20 light bundles on each branch? Should I put the tree in a quadrant form?

I DO want to do all individual colors so wherever there's a clear light, I want a blue, a red, and a green so that should fill alot of channels, but how would you break it down on the tree to make the tree as independent as possible? Top half vs lower half? limbs vs limbs?

Any ideas you guys have would be nice.


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Hmmm, ok, first, I'd upgrade to Wife 2.0, as Wife 1.0 has become buggy and prone to crash.. If that isnt an option, see what you can get for the 3yo in trade for another controller..

If they are not options, why not modify the house display? If she says no to ANY display.. again, I'd try the upgrade first :( If she still says no, limit the random-noise generators access to the computer or controller, or lights (mounting them out of reach).. I take it this is your first ankle-biter? Um, some limits might come to mind, time-outs, etc.. Giving in, or not doing a display is punishing you, not the curtain-climber. You are being tested, and right now, failing. Set up a modified display with stuff out of reach.

If you -must- do stuff in the office.. well then.. using 32channels will be a real feat trying to use them all. 16 (or 32) channels of red/green, blue, white on each section would be my plan. Have the pars disguised as presents spin around the base of the tree.

Humor aside, I hope you find a solution. I'd pick one the 3yo isnt going to like, but he/she has to begin learning. "This is Daddy's stuff, you do -not- touch.."

Dad to 2 kids, 18 & 22.

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Hvasta, you're a funny guy.

Yeah we could get away with it at the house but now I have my co-workers all in excitement for a fun christmas setup. They're really excited since we'll be doing the sound via an FM tuner and basically our entire dept will have its own radio station running at Christmas.

Either way, its fun because im at the office more than at home many days and so I'll just light up the tree at home in basic format and do the "show" at the office. I'll get to "show off" a bit too. AT home we live in a condo and I dont get to show it to anyone other than the three of us. It will be fun here at the office.

Thanks for the advice! I like your thinking!!!!!

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What about splitting the controllers? 16ch at home, 16ch at work.. you'd still have K-LOR playing at work, and be able to show your random-noise generator what the lights can do (they he/she wont be inclined to wreck them), just a thot.. Glad you like the humor, it's got me thru a lot with my kids :)

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