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Light-O-Rama Forums

Chase Function

Terry Hurrle

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Easy explanation....

Go to the first channel of the element you want to chase, where you want it to start. Lets turn on 4 cells just for the demo. Click on the Chase icon. Decide where you want the chase to end and click down and hold that first lighted cell and drag to the last channel on the element to where you want the chase to end and release the mouse button. You now have a chase with 4 cells lit in each channel of your element stepping down from upper left to lower right. You can do this top to bottom, bottom to top, front to back or back to front.


Paul's link to it is a good explanation if you want to read it, and more detailed. Main thing is you have to have what you want the chase to do in that first channel, can't be blank.

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Here is a link to the youtube video, in case you don't want to go to the PC link.

I would have embedded it here, but could not figure out how.
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