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TJ Hvasta

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'Either its funny, or something inevitable.. Anyone smart enough to make an iLOR app for the ixxxx ? Might go right along with controlling the show from an iTouch, iPad, iForgot or iDontCare.. It could also be used with broken controllers, iDontWork..

But seriously, anyone smart enough to make one, or know how they work?

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I have not done a ton of work in this area, but It sounds like the only thing MOST want to do with the hardware is "testing" type stuff. I.E. "Hardware Utility"

God knows you dont want to sequence on an iphone (ipad - maybe ?)

The hard part seems to me that at present time, this would need to be a client / server app - the app needs to talk to the controller, and that means it must send signals via the PC.

So, your NOT just writing an app for the phone, its a client / server app for phone and PC. thats a lot of work for a "hardware utility test"

But It seems like this guy is on the right track -

The designer call his app FocusRemote - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/focusremote/id394880913?mt=8#

Now to be CLEAR - this WILL NOT work without some extra parts - Its an Iphone app to test DMX networks that ALLREADY have an ARTNET Interface. I cant quite confirm the details of the Joshua-1 Systems EthCon Gateway, but I know it talks E1.31, He also mentions support for ArtnetII.

So, I think if you bought the app (for 11.00 bucks) and http://www.j1sys.com/ecg-dr4/ the ECG-dr4, for about 110.00, then you could speak to your LOR controllers on straight DMX via ethcon gateway.

The thing with J1sys is the guy is really smart, and makes some great product - but does a terrible job explaining "PLAIN ENGLISH" what his stuff does / practical use. He really needs a marketing guy to dum-down the techno-bable so average joe can glance at his page and say "Oh thats what it does - Cool, I wana buy that!"

On the other side of the fence - Dan has made several posts about some type of artnet or e 1.31 support. Although I suspect this would be for the S2 suite to speak OUT E1.31, and maybe a new line of controllers or an adapter to go E1.31-to-LOR. If this comes to market, the above iPhone app would potentially be able to talk to the new LOR hardware via e1.31

But, technically the app only lists support for "Artnet" and NOT e1.31 - So it may not work at all.

I also found this - Its all german, but its some sortof adapter + software for the phone that will make it do DMX. http://hmb-tec.de/iPhoneApps/DMX-WiFi.html

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that would be nice to control your lor controllers from an ipod touch (i dont have one right now but i would buy one for this feature) your up on your roof and you want unit 3 channel 5 and 6 to turn on juct a click and it is on

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There is a program that can control a DMX network from an ipod touch/ iphone via wifi - you would need a DOE to convert back to dmx and possibly some type of dmx combiner, probably with HTP


sorry- lighting terms

doe= dmx over ethernet

HTP= higher takes precedent

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