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Extension cords

Adam Dalton

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Depends where you are located.

What is a good deal for me in Canada make people in the US laugh.

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Adam I would say it depends on just how many (and lengths) you need for your display. If you are talking about a couple of hundred feet, I would say to keep your eyes open at stores like Menards, WalMart, Target, Big Lots, etc. Things will start going on sale for Halloween soon, if not now. If you are going to need lots more length, I would take a look at making your own out of bulk SPT1 or SPT2 wire and the alligator clips. Search on this site and also Planet Christmas and you find tons of references about making your own. To me the advantages are the ability to make exactly the length you need and they are collectively so much lighter when you start putting things away. I am pushing 3500 feet of extension cords for my 112 channels and I am considered only a medium display. That's about 90 40' extension cords. Can you imagine how much 90 green extension cords would weigh and the room they would take up in storage. Since my display won't change much this year in terms of locations of lights, I now have with the SPT extensions (left-over from last year) what are essentially wiring harnesses that I can just uncoil around the yard and house.

I am going to go out on a limb now and say I would avoid buying old extension cords from garage sales and second hand stores. This is personal preference, but would you really want to risk a fire with somebody elses junk, and no matter what some people will claim, you cant tell just by looking at a cord whether its a short risk or not.

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Menards works for us in the midwest but I don't think being in North Carolina it's going to help him much. For us it's probably the best option since Fleet Farm doesn't give anything away. Adam If you have one I've got great steels at Biglots. You should have Home Depot and Lowes and on occasion they will drop prices pretty good as well, but as Jim said if you need a bunch get the 1000' spools of bulk SPT and the vampire plugs. The green is uv protected and they are easy enough to do. Also running over 4000' here on my 112 channels.


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Menards works for us in the midwest but I don't think being in North Carolina it's going to help him much.

Well hell, i figured Menards = NASCAR = North Carolina. My bad LOL.

Any should also have welcomed Adam to the group.
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This is my first year with LOR and I had to add more extension cords than I thought. I bought all the ones Target had at Christmas last year planning on a 16 channel display. I ended up with 48 channels. I just bought 1250' spt1 wire and 30 each male and female ends shipped for 199 from christmaslightshow.com

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wallleyes wrote:

Menards has them on sale untill the 11th.15 foot is $1.69 9 foot is $.99 6 foot is $.69

Walleyes, Where did you see those prices at? store ad or in the store. I couldn't find that price on their ad online. Thanks
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Guest wbottomley

Adam Dalton wrote:

Where is a good place to buy extension cords for a good price. Thanks Adam

North Carolina USA

Adam, welcome.

I see you're 10 minutes down the road from Mayberry.

Check you private messages here in the forum. I'm sending you some info.
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I always get my cords in early January when a few places have them at 75 to 90% off. My favorites are the 15' spt2 cords ... but 9' and 6' are also useful to have.

Home Depot and Hobby LObby have been good sources for me ... finding the store (in your area) which takes all the unsold christmas inventory, then clearances it ... is key.

In season like this, I have sometimes seen a sale that Walgreens does where the cords are pretty cheap, so keep an eye out.

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