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LOR sequences....?


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Hello All:

Made the jump to LOR this year.....Just wondering, does anyone have any 16 channel sequences the would like to share, possibly Amazing Grace-Yule or Christmas Vacation..really any songs and sequences would be great......my eyes are about to fall out of my head with the sequences I am doing now....man, it is addicting tho....thanks for any help......

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DeckII wrote:

Hello All:

Just wondering, does anyone have any 16 channel sequences the would like to share?

We have quite a few 16 Channel sequences available on our site, as well as listings of several other sites offering sequences.

Sequence Page: Quartz Hill Christmas Sequences
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Rick and pokrplr.....

Awsome, thanks for the help....just need to figure out how to cut some down to 16 channels....eyes are feeling better already.

If there are anyone else with 16 channels.....taking alot of what you guys have done and adding to the ones I have started..

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