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Seperating Animation and Music Channels or Controllers


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I have 3 controllers. I want to use 2 plus say 6 channels for my show and keep the other 10 for the backyard and stuff I want to schedule (sign) and leave on or off when scheduled. Is there an easy way to do this? This is my first year.

Tom Straub

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This is my second year with LOR and from what I can tell, I don't think there's a way to actually assign those 6 channels to be controlled differently from the other 10. Unless you meant to say if there's a way in the sequence you can insert your own animation for those specific 10 channels, then yes.

Ex: You have those 6 channels controlling your main display with your other controllers and the other 10 running your backyard. Open your sequence editor and match up those 6 channels with your main display and leave the other 10 just plain 'on' if you wanted your backyard to be a static that is.

As far as 'splitting' a controller like that, that's all I know. Hope I helped.

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OK....buckle up. Here we go.

1 When doing your sequences for your show, make sure you are not defining or using any of the channels you want to use in your back yard. If you try to use a channel in two places at once you will get unexpected results.

2 Program your backyard sequence using just the channels you have for your backyard. It doesnt matter if you are splitting a controller as long the channels are only used in one sequence at a time.

3 In the show editor, add your front yard musical sequences under the Musical tab. Place your backyard sequence in the background tab.

4 When your show is running, the front yard sequences will play and run the show and the background sequence will just repeat as long as the show is scheduled.

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There's another option for your radio sign. I decided that I wanted one of my sequences to actually control the radio sign and make it "pulse" with the beat, but not with other sequences.

So I un-checked the "Turn used lights off at the end of each sequence" box in the show editor. I added the "Tune Radio" sign to the one sequence that will use it, and I made sure that sequence left that light turned on an the end. Now, after that sequence plays, it leaves that light on while the other sequences play.

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Okay tried just about everything suggested. but the backyard doesn't start until AFTER it's first run. Do I need to add something?


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testraub wrote:

Okay tried just about everything suggested. but the backyard doesn't start until AFTER it's first run. Do I need to add something?

Yes. Go to the "Startup" tab and also un-check the "turn used lights off..." Then create a small animation sequence that turns the backyard on. As soon as the show starts it will turn it on.
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This is driving me to drink (not a far drive) STILL not working! Danged background runs thru the first seq. then dumps for a 60 sec period. I need a Phone call... I use Holiday Light designer to"see" what is going on and visually check, but I'm quite lost. HELP! I'll pay for the phone call. I got to get this right.

Tom Straub


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We need to see your setup in detail. The best way is to post your show and sequence files here at attachments. (Use the Browse... button when you type a post. You'll have to make separate posts for each file.)

Attach your show file (the .LCC) file; the background sequence (a .LAS file); and one of the musical sequences (a .LMS file) from your show.

When someone else looks at these, they (e.g. me) will be able to figure out what is causing your problem.

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