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Is there a reason that I cannot share files between computer on the same network? I normally do all my sequencing on one computer and save those sequences to the show computer. I want to go back and tweak last years sequences a bit, however I get a cannot open file error. These sequences are fine on the show computer and if I create a sequence on the sequencing computer and save the file to the show computer it works fine even when recalled on the sequence computer through the network. If I transfer these to thumb drive from the show computer they will run fine on the sequence computer. Both computers are identical from everything from processor and OS to version of LOR. The only difference is that there are batch files that are set up on the show computer with last years sequences. Can this be causing my problem?


Most of the time when I've seen the "can not open file" error in the sequence editor, it's been because changes were made the file manually that editor doesn't understand, or the transfer didn't completely happen.

Since you can copy the files to a thumb drive and move them to the show computer, we can assume the show computer is good. (At least it's LOR installation, of course.) Sounds to me something in the copy process you have in place isn't working right.

I do much the same thing, sequence on one, run the show on another. I usually drag/drop my files between computers instead of relying on any batch program to do the job for me. Don't know if that's what you meant by 'batch files' but if it is, I would try to skip that process for a bit and see if the drag-drop works.


Are you sure that you have permission to write to that directory?

Can you create a file with Notepad, save it and then re-open and modify it, all through the network?


You could always transfer the files to an external hard drive and do it that way (good back up too).

I also have my files upload to "Media Fire" for protection, but I can also download those files to any computer.

I could do file sharing across our home network but I shut that off for a reason.

Might not be much help but back up is always good, if nothing else.



That is exactly what I do, drag and drop. I am sorry if I confused you with the "batch files" I ment I have window command files in the sequence files on the show computer that run some batches. I wasn't sure if having those files associated to the sequence on the show computer were inhibiting me on copying them.


I do have read and write permissions in that directory, I can move other files (audio,text, etc) with no problem, I did not try to open with notepad but will try when I get a chance.


I couldn't agree more, I have my files backed up in several places, external hard drive, thumb drive, and an online backup.

If my memory serves me correctly I believe before the latest LOR installation this did work for me. Right now I have 2.7.6 installed. This may also shed some light, when I copy from the thumb drive to the sequence computer and then resave it to the show computer it seems to work fine over the network.


There is a command file in your LOR Sequence folder called cmdmap.lcm This is what contains your windows commands.
This is a security feature to prevent a shared sequence from executing commands on your computer.

The sequence file has a command key like this.
musicAlbum="Switched On Classics" musicArtist="Philharmonic"
musicFilename="09 - 2001_ Nutrocker.mp3" musicTitle="2001/ Nutrocker">

The command file cmdmap.lcm looks like this
command="MIIP.CMD 2001NutRocker" windowStyle="2"/>

If you are using windows commands you need to also copy the cmdmap.lcm file back and forth if you added commands or changed the windows commands.

This can get messed up if you are changing sequences on both computers. I hope this helps. I will try to share a program I wrote to check this kind of thing.




If I try to open that file over the network, does it still keep the association to the .cmd file. I get a similar error if I try to open it in sequence editor over the network.


Thats an interesting question. My guess is it will not work as you wish. If I had the hardware I would test it for you.
You should not run LOR over the network. Its actually running on the local computer, not the one where the program file resides. When the program comes up it trys to use settings on your local installation.

Here is some more info. LOR uses registry keys to track the folders your Sequences, Audio, and programs are in.
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareLight-O-RamaShared NonAudioPath is the key for cmdmap.lcm file.
Use LORDiagnostic.exe to check your registry settings.

If you are using LOR on computer A, the sequence editor will save changes to cmdmap.lcm on that computer. Since the registry key will naturally point to the same drive LOR is installed on.

Reaching over to computer B for a sequence and changing the windows command will actually store that command on computer A even if you save the sequence on B. This will get you out of sync. Computer B will run the old windows command for that sequence when you go back there since it is looking for its local copy of cmdmap.lcm file.

It MAY work to set that registry key to the drive of the show computer. This will at least save the commands where they will run during the actual show. However it will create some new problems. The default for all your sequences will now be the remote computer. If you really wanted to work on a local file you will have to navigate there. ALL commands will save to the remote computer,even if you are working on a local file, but will all try to execute on the local computer (where you launched LOR from).

My suggestion to test is to have both copies of LOR on both computers have all user data registry keys point to the same network drive. The letters don't matter if its actually the same drive for key NonAudioPath, AudioPath, & UserDataPath. The AppPath key should point to the local computer LOR is running on. This way you will have only a single set of sequences/media/command files which be accessed and changed from two locations. Warning..LOR does not provide program support for a messed up registry. The broad brush solution is to wipe using LORRegistryWipe.exe and reinstall LOR.

If you are still stuck PM me and we can talk on the phone.



Thanks again for the info. Your suggestion is kinda scary especially since the show computer has everything from the phone interface, to the stream for my website, to the LED sign display set up on it I figure if it isn't really broken don't mess with it. While it is a little inconvenient to do a copy to a thumb drive to transport to the sequence computer to work on it is working for me. Plus it forces me to back everything up in several places so that is also a good thing.


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