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User account space, pay to increase?

TJ Hvasta

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What do you think of paying a fee, one time or semi-annually (or so) to be able to increase your user attachment space? Knowing that space is always a premium on a server, many on here have already found that to post a picture of something that helps others, you have to kill off something else to free up space, thereby losing the picture that helped someone in another thread. 500k is pretty small. Only other way to post is to have the item hosting somewhere else and put up a link.

With 48k remaining.. I'd pay to bump to 5mb attachment space.. even 2mb would be a big help

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There's a limit to how many pictures you can upload? I haven't uploaded any pics since the forum update. I was going to in the next few days. 500K is really small. If you hit that mark, you have to dump an old pic to make room for the new one?

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Its the Flight Attendant Safety Briefing:

"If you're travelling with small children, in the even of a loss of cabin pressure, place your mask on first, then assist your child. If you're travelling with more than one child, decide who you love more."

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Soooooo.... how do you delete posts that you've posted pics in to save on your user space. I'd hate to be limited to 500k for life... I'm already down to 300k and I've only put in two pics.... Now I can't figure out how to delete them when I am finished. Ideas?

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Just upload very small pictures, like 5 bytes, and tell everyone to use their imaginations to fill in the rest of the pixels.

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Rainy, click on your name (top right of screen), choose My Settings, then left side, Manage Attachments, check which ones you want to kill off..

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500k is pretty small but when you consider that these forums have 10,000+ members who all have to have that space......

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hence the reason for a stipend to allow for a bump in storage.. besides, most hosting companys start with a minimum of 1GB of storage even at the lowest host level. What's 1GB divided by 10,547

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and thats if Dan's hosting plan is only 1GB storage .. One of my websites has 2gb for $44/yr.. Just an idea to be able to pay a stipend for more space..

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Just use a image hosting site for various pics... http://imageshack.us/ being one of them.... that will never use your space here and by the time they ever take them down, your post will be long gone in the archives anyway.

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