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I was adding to my preview and noticed that the dimming curve was set to blank and when I went to change it there was no other options but blank. If I go to string summary it shows me that my other props are still set to 30% but when I click on those props it says blank as well. I have tried a reset of my computer. A repair and reinstall of LOR nothing worked. I have had issues the last week or so with sequencer even opening and it seems to be linked to windows updates.. 
I want to get back to sequencing. 

I have already made a ticket with LOR hoping to get this fixed ASAP. 

Edited by JRB
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I agree that the Windows 10 1909 update does some strange things...

The software dimming curve files reside in "\Light-O-Rama\Plugins\DimmingCurves". The dimming curve files that ship with the Software Suite are attached. You will need to restart the Sequencer after you have updated the DimmingCurves folder.



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