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And another bug...S5


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@MattBrownThis is getting really old... Did anyone at LOR do any testing? Or is that left up to us? My paycheck must me huge this round with all the testing and bug finding I am doing.

Oh wait... I am doing this for free... But I am not... I paid for the software... Dang I am in the hole now!

Anyway... on to the issue

So a member sent me his S5 sequence to show me how he is doing matrix faces. I loaded it in and it loads fine.

I go to click play and this giant white box comes up the goes off the top of screen and the bottom. It looks like a list of his props are in there. I cannot move the screen or nothing. SE is pretty much locked up at this point.

All I can do is kill LOR in the task manager. I can reproduce this left and right...

I am thinking by the time S6 rolls around, the bugs may be fixed? Who knows to be honest as a major one was still present since 2017. OUCH!

Edited by gsmith37064
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9 hours ago, MattBrown said:

Thanks for reporting the issue! It will be fixed in the next release.


This would be awesome if you manage to resolve all the issues I have brought up. I would really like to get back to playing in SE, but prop building this weekend was fun as well.

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