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Singing Faces in S5

James Hill

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Hi everyone,

Had S3 and finally jumped in for S5! I used Papagayo and 'Papagayo to LOR' from ItsMeBobO Software. Went to install 'Papagayo to LOR' (since I moved to a newer computer) but it is for S4, and expired on 10-01-2020.

I have not jumped to smart pixels, so Superstar does me no good here.

If I want to continue with my faces....What/how is everyone doing their faces if they are dumb nodes controlled by a CMD24D in S5?

Also, if you are using Papagayo...where do I save my mouth shapes in Papagayo...cannot seem to find the folder in the newer Papagayo program.

Thanks in advance. Looking forward to your response.

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Manually is the way to go.

Bobs tutorial used to tell you exactly how to set the faces up.

If you have 2 computers you could always do them in S4 and import in to S5.

There is no difference between dumb nodes and regular leds, you just have to convert them to RGB channels.

Its really simple and doing faces manually save a bunch of time.


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Ok so Papagayo to LOR has a selection for dumb RGB lights. Just save the created clipboards using the RGB selection to the main LOR Clipboard folder. Or do as I did and create a sub folder in the Clipboard folder with the songs name  on it. then when I want to import a copy to the main folder I don't have to worry about overriding it by mistake.  . After you set up the singing RGB prop in S5 change the default clipboard file to the clipboard file you wish to import to the song. if you have multiple clipboards saved for one song then you will have to change the default clipboard every time you need the new section of the song. also remember to lock your saved Papagayo clipboards in S5 or you might over ride it by mistake.  I have used Papagayo to sequence 40 animated pictures using the Picture motion effect. I also have a 6 mouth position dumb RGB face that I used Papagayo and Papagayo to LOR on. If you already have S4 sequences that you want to convert to S5 just load them in to the S5 sequencer and start working with S5. I have done Mouth sequences both Manually and with Papagayo and for me Papagayo is way easier. especially when doing a Matrix. here is a video I did on how I found a way to use pictures to animation using Papayo to LOR and thje S5 Picture Motion effect.   


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I forgot..... That version of Papagayo you are using does work with S5. That's the version I use. 

Edited by Box on Rails
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Perhaps I wasn't clear with what I was doing. I was using Papagayo to create the singing light bulb. Then using "Papagayo to LOR" from ItsMeBobO to convert the Papagayo file to the clip board in S3 then inserting into my sequence. I am not using any matrix. I have made most of the RGB channels on my CMB24D into regular channels and connected all three wires on the nodes together to make them white (my way of getting more channels from my CMB24D). The only RGB channel is the body of the lights. My channels are set up as 1 Top Mouth, 2 Mouth Part Way, 3 Mouth Full Way, 4 Mouth OH. That said, I use 4 channels to create the mouth sequences. Does the old "Papagayo to LOR" work with S5?...the download states it expires on 10-01-2020 and is for S4, or am I having to use two computers...one to do the mouth animation and transfer to the old LOR and then transfer and convert in S5 on the other computer?

How is anyone else programming the faces using the string of lights technique in S5?

singing bulbs.jpg


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I understand what you are asking now. I was thinking about doing the same thing with one of my CMB24 to make 2 faces with pixels from the one I am using now.  Papagayo to LOR from BobO is what I am using. You should not need 2 computers. The Papagyo to LOR works fine in creating clipboards that work in S5

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Thanks 'Box on Rails'. I just upgraded and starting to load all the other programs onto the newer old computer. I have not yet tried to use Pap-to-LOR so if it works then great. Thanks for the update.

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That's a very interesting video. I haven't done to much with Papagyo, but am going to experiment with it. Thanks for posting this.

One thing I noticed that might be helpful to remember what motion effects are assigned to different mouth movements is to rename the motion effects channels.

Just short gif explaining this. Again very nicely done video.




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Thanks Alan. I have done this since I recorded the video. I watched it after I posted it and thought maybe I should name the Motion effects channels the same name used by Papagayo. 

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