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Pixie16 2 strips per port error


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I just bought pixie16 and 32 x 50 pixels stips during the configuration,

when I connect 2 strip to a port the second does not have the same color as the first and 3 pixels are off either at the end of the first strip either at the start of the second strip depending on the color.


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1- License- if your profile is correct you have to have a "Pro level" license. The pixie 16 has to run in the Enhanced Network (ELOR) and has to be configured as such.

Update that first,

Then watch my video tutorial - it is attached to my written step by step. Do not skip or take short cuts and you will be gtg.


You need to set up the pixie in HU and under the pixel config tab select the 100 pixels per port and the correct color order.

Do the same in SE when you add the device.

It could also be you have two different strings (even from the same mfg). If they are not same mfg.

Have you looked at mt "Pixie Config and setup" thread at the top of the General Hardware section of the forums.

I see it appears you cut the factory connectors off, why? Most come with the connector so you can connect together. Use that and put some good silicone around it. Beter off than soldering yourself. Your pic is not clear at all. It looks sloppy at the splice.

A bad wire either at the pcb green connector or in line can cause similar issues. I wrote that up during beta testing. I noted green connectors that were not righty tight- left loosy. Causing similar issues.

Start by ensuring you have the same strings.

You haven't provided enough info for a better response.

In this hobby there is never 'too much" info. The more you provide the better the response.


Edited by dibblejr
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