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One Prop different Ports on Controller


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I have my roof outlined in Pixels this year. I have a Pixie8 on that controls half my roof and a Pixie16 (will be changing this to a Pixie8 for next year). The Top Ridge on my house for example is running off one port on my Pixie8 (89 pixels) and one port on my Pixie16 (89 pixels). Each run starts on the outside edge of my house and runs to the middle of the house. It works but when I add an effect, each section either starts or stops at the middle of the house. Is there a way that I can make the entire ridge (178 pixels) appear as one string of lights even though its coming off 2 controllers so that effects go from left to right all the across the ridge? I am attaching a picture that shows the top ridge. I would like the 2 lines circled to be "one continuous line" even though they will be on 2 separate controllers. I want to be able to drop an effect on the ridge and it go from left to right all the way across the ridge and not just stop in the middle. Thanks in advance


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yes there is. I have the exact situation as yours. In your preview definition create a group. You can put as many of the props you have on your house in it as you like. You then  define how you want them to be viewed in terms of motion effects. You may also want to create multiple groups too.Be aware not all effects may turn out as you think. Take a look at it and let us know if you have any further questions

Edited by stevehoyt
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I have groups setup. guess I need to play around with how they are defined. this was my first year with pixels so still learning. Thanks

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FYI I have 10 + controllers in my entire house group and get some nice sweeping effects. Most of the time I use the "use preview" definition. 

Be sure when setting up the effects that you want, to ONLY use the group channel. If you also have something in the individual prop it overrides what is in the group. It took me a bit of time to figure this out. Until I did my effects did not work as expected.

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