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Modified pixel tree

Dj Rabbit

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Looking for some input on how to do this. We do a large tree on our porch, part on porch, part on roof so it looks like growing through the roof. I want to add pixels to it but want the effects to line up for spirals and more so appears to be one big tree. Using s4 pro and not sure how to set up prop since the 2 sections have to be wired separately. I want 16 vertical strands with 75 total pixels per strand, 25 on roof, 50 on porch. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. 

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That's just a matter of the channel assignments.  I have strings that appear to be a single string, but are not wired that way.  When I was using S4, I sequenced EVERTHING in SuperStar using a visualization as the channel configuration.  It's been a while since I set things up in Visualizer, but as I recall, each string was built separately with two segments.  In your case, that would be above and below the roofline.  If doing it in Sequence Editor, again it's just a matter of the channel assignments.  I can't tell you how to do it in Pixel Editor as I never used it in S4 (never could get it to work at all).


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Been trying a few things in pixel editor, figured out channel assignments but can't get carryover to go to another channel. Wants to keep all bulbs on one channel. 

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