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S4 to S5 Sequence messed up


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I just upgraded my license, now have 5.x.x, when i open my matrix sequence, 24x50, it is all messed up. Characters are upside down, animations seems to be off my many pixels. When i import the SUP file into SS, everything is fine.

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Sounds like the Preview does not match reality.  How did you create the S5 Preview?  Also, how were you importing the .sup into S5 SuperStar?


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I was using an existing viz file. I just open the sup up in SS. The sequence I opened in S5 is an existing lms file.

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Rather than post something like that, have you tried to open a help desk ticket?  It may be that you simply don't understand how to create what you need, or you may have in fact found a bug.

S5 is a completely different animal and does have a learning curve associated with it.  

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Shouldn't have to bug you guys for something that should be a simple fix. But lately it sure seems like people in these forums are less and less helpful. Last thread 8 started about a cuz file went completely ignored, has to find help on a completely different website. 

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18 hours ago, jerry72 said:

Shouldn't have to bug you guys for something that should be a simple fix. But lately it sure seems like people in these forums are less and less helpful. Last thread 8 started about a cuz file went completely ignored, has to find help on a completely different website.

It is NEVER bothering us, it is what you paid for.  We are always happy to help.

We try to keep out of the forums so that this remains as much of a 'user to user' community as possible.  BUT If you can't find an answer, or you tried to get an answer here and were unsuccessful, please open a help desk ticket.  We may not read every message here, or respond.  We do however answer EVERY help desk ticket.

Opening a help desk ticket also IMPROVES the software/hardware/documentation/etc.  The most obvious way is if you have found a bug - we are notified and can correct it.  But even 'simple' questions help us improve:  Seeing the same question/issue several times can clue us in to where we made a poor design choice, or where we need to improve documentation.

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