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Superstar sequence help please!


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So first off, hello everyone. Sorry if this gets long. This is my first year using light o Rama. My father used to do all of this but passed away recently. I was hoping I could carry on the legacy since he was a nut about this stuff.  Most of the decorations in his yard were made and designed by him. Anyway, here is what I’ve done so far. I am using 3 1602 boxes so a total of 48 channels.  I made a visualization using my house. I added all the lights and assigned them to channels. I also used the mega tree wizard to create a 8 channel tree. Now since I have never made a sequence before, I tried using the superstar to auto make me a sequence. I imported the visualization, added the audio and clicked create sequence. Cool, I click play and there are lights dancing. Here are my issues. First, the mega tree seems to be treated as 1 unit. It never turns of any stands or turns on less than all 8. Kinda stumped on that. Second, during the song, the lights all seem to go from left to right. I saw the options before I clicked create sequence and set it to random for all 3 TCMs but didn’t seem to have any effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated 

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When using Instant Sequence on traditional lights (non pixel lights) it is best to use the "rapid fire" trigger type. There is a video tutorial on this. Go to the Light-O-Rama main page, click on "Support" then click on "Tutorials and PDFs". The superstar tutorials are near the bottom. Look for one titled:  Instant Sequence Rapid Fire Option

You may also want to take a look at: Instant Sequence on All Your Lights, it is an older tutorial that was made before the Rapid Fire trigger type existed.

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