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Does anyone have Carol of bells?


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I have downloaded from lorsequences a GREAT version of Carol of the bells from David Foster. I have the music but cannot get it to sync up. Its a 1/2 second off and I cannot get it to work.

Did anyone download this one and get it working with the music? If so could someone PLEASE PLEASE send me it AND the MP3?

The song looks like it was made by Bob Fermin, its 2:34 in time. 16 channel.

If someone can help me out that would be great! I am setting the show up this weekend for an x-mas in July thing at our capmground and would LOVE to have this one on the show.


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Have you checked the bit rate on your music? I had problems like you described with the music being out of sync. I changed my music to all be 128 bit rate and all is ok now. If that does not fix the problem try copying all of the sequence and move it over one or two spots and paste them in place. This should work. I'm sorry being, a newbie I do not have the Carol of the bells from David Foster at this time.

Best of luck with your show

Tom L.

Attached files 155016=8937-Animated-Wow-32.GIF

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S2 has a feature called SKEW Track. If the whole song is off buy 1/2 second then the SKEW Track feature can fix that.

You will find it under EDIT, just keep adding or subtracting time till it is in sync. If you miss the timing the first time you can also use the UNDO button to start over again.


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THAT WORKED!!! Thank you SOOO Much!

I will try to send a vid of it after the weekend.

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