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Shutdown not working with show on demand


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I just tried using the shutdown section in my show, but when I use show on demand, it never runs. 

The musical section just keeps repeating. 

Any ideas??? 


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The shutdown sequence will run at the end of the show.  If you do a show on demand from lets say 7:00 until 7:15, the sequences in the background tab will start and continue playing.  The sequences in the Startup tab will start and run once.  Then the sequences in the Animation and Musical tabs will run.  if the sequences in the Musical tab complete prior to the scheduled end of the show on demand, they will repeat.  At the scheduled end of the show, the currently playing Musical sequence will continue playing until is finishes.  Then the sequences in the Shutdown tab will play.  If you shut down the show prior to the scheduled end, I don't believe the shutdown sequence will run.

Does that answer your question?


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How do I know the length of the show  "lets say 7:00 until 7:15"?  All I have is a test show with a single sequence in startup, 2 in musical and one in shutdown.  Is there a minimum length for a show?

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2 minutes ago, LAdesign said:

How do I know the length of the show  "lets say 7:00 until 7:15"?  All I have is a test show with a single sequence in startup, 2 in musical and one in shutdown.  Is there a minimum length for a show?

When you start a show on demand, you can specify a start and end time.  My example was just using those times for the specified start and end time.  The default BTW is to have the show run until manually shut down.  The show has to run until it's scheduled end time in order to run the shutdown sequence.

Let's setup an example.  Let's say that your startup sequence is 1:00 long.  Your two musical sequences are 2:30 & 3:30, and your shutdown sequence is 0:30.  Using my 7:00:00 until 7:15:00 show on demand, this is how your sequences will play:

7:00:00 - 7:01:00  Startup sequence (1:00 in length)

7:01:00 - 7:03:30  Musical sequence #1 (2:30 in length)

7:03:30 - 7:07:00  Musical sequence #2 (3:30 in length)

7:07:00 - 7:09:30  Musical sequence #1 (2:30 in length)

7:09:30 - 7:13:00  Musical sequence #2 (3:30 in length)

7:13:00 - 7:15:30  Musical sequence #1 (2:30 in length)

At 7:15:00 (shortly before musical sequence #1 ends) the show will go into shutdown mode because it has timed out.

7:15:30 - 7:16:00  Shutdown sequence (0:30 in length)

Show is over.

This timing would be the same for a Show on Demand or a scheduled show.   BTW, this ignores any delays between sequences (for example to load them into the show player).  I was trying to keep it simple.


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