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Carol of the Bells from TSO


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Hi there.

   I can't find a Sequence from Trans Siberia Orchestra including Carol of the Bells...arguably their most famous song.  The Signature Sequence has 20 songs...but it isn't there,.

   Does anyone have this?  I'm new to this....is it literally just download to the SD card and it's ready to roll?  I'm using the Showtime Central All in One Unit.



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Search for my great friend James Morris and ask him, he will share it with you.

Its pretty simple

1) Set controller(s) up

2) Open Hardware Utility

3) Go to the MP3 Tab

4) On left side of box set up how you would like the show to run

5) Right side of screen

6) Add sequence - you may have to point it to the MP3

7) Once you load all of your sequences you have the option of moving them around in any order

8) Creat SD card

9) Place in mini director

Assume you have speakers or car stereo to listen to the music via the FM transmitter


Don't forget your sequence will need to be copied into your channel config. If you need assistance send me a pm with tel # and good time to call. Wont take long to set you up. 


Edited by dibblejr
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Tvweather62 the song is on the LOR TSO package. It is called "Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) " . Lots of people have trouble finding it. Have fun with your display!


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On 11/10/2017 at 9:50 PM, dibblejr said:

Search for my great friend James Morris and ask him, he will share it with you.

Its pretty simple

1) Set controller(s) up

2) Open Hardware Utility

3) Go to the MP3 Tab

4) On left side of box set up how you would like the show to run

5) Right side of screen

6) Add sequence - you may have to point it to the MP3

7) Once you load all of your sequences you have the option of moving them around in any order

8) Creat SD card

9) Place in mini director

Assume you have speakers or car stereo to listen to the music via the FM transmitter


Don't forget your sequence will need to be copied into your channel config. If you need assistance send me a pm with tel # and good time to call. Wont take long to set you up. 


Thanks so much!  I'll be using the Showtime Central Unit....and they say the Simple Show Editor pretty much is just that, simple.  Add sequence, save to Card, stick it and and run.  It looks to me without using a computer, if you use a timer to power the unit on...say between 6 and 9, will it just start when powered on, and stop when powered off?   Now sure it it will allow me to create a new card with the simple show builder....might have to use the Hardware Utility program.  It didn't look too tough....although I'm a weatherman, so there are those who question our intelligence. 

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