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Melody Track changed


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A little advice please!  I am working on my final song for the year.  Found the music on Amazon, song I have been looking for quite awhile.  Ran it through audacity and saved as a constant bit rate before starting anything.  Used beat wizard and got my standard timings I like to work with,  used tapper to get the melody down pat.  All is perfect.  Sequenced for about 30 minutes and called it a night.  Today, the melody timing  is off time quite noticeably, the length of the entire song.  Just the melody timing grid is off, the rest are fine and still spot on.  Any idea why it shifted??  The items sequenced to the melody yesterday are still fine, but no longer line up with the grid mark it was started at, they seem to start at mid grid so to speak.  It's like the whole melody line shifted a tad to the right.  Any idea how to get it back without tapping out a whole new melody track??

Edited by bdwillie
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