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LED lights won't fade!!!!


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I  but a controller not too long ago and tested it out with my lights. It worked just fine, the lights twinkled, faded up and down, shimmered and turned on and off. 2 weeks later, my uncle came over and wanted to see it. I plugged everything in like I did the first time, started up the same sequence and when the fading part came in the sequence I had created, the lights blinked on and off rapidly until turning off! Please help!

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It's helpful if you include what type of controller, possibly the make of the lights that you're using.

You put this in general Lor questions so you could even be talking about a pixel controller. 

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First thing is to make sure the lights can be dimmed.  Not all LEDs can, and I have found that the package on the "off the shelf" level usually don't state if they are dimmable.  Have you tried plugging any other type of light into the unit?   Try a lamp with a regular incan bulb.  The issue could go deeper, but this is a good place to start.  It will at least tell you if the hardware is working correctly.    Also, did you try more than one sequence, or were you using the hardware utility?

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What Dcroc said can be especially true for some lights from Home Depot. 

You might try plugging in a string of incandescents on the same channel as the LEDs.  If that solves the problem, then what you need is more resistance on the channel(s).  An old plug-in air freshener will usually provide the resistance you need.  Or even a single incandescent C9.

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14 hours ago, GabrielG. said:

It worked just fine, the lights twinkled, faded up and down, shimmered and turned on and off.

OP says everything was working fine, then went south the next time he tried them. If the lights he has, are not able to fade up/down why would they do it once then not again?

To the OP, we are guessing without knowing what controller or lights you have.


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As long as we're all stabbing in the dark because of lack of information. 

It's possible that he has two things trying to talk to the dongle at the same time corrupting the data output. 

Assuming this is something on a dongle and not  E1.31!

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