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skipping pixels


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I am running 6 lor boards as well as Lynxs Pixels. question I have is I was out for 2 years due to spending a lot of time with my family and and am just getting back to it. when I last had everything up it all worked flawlessly. the only thing is I am having some skipping here and there to my pixels. Not always just random but it seems to be consistent for all channels down the line. for example you will see the same pattern 3 times but it skips the 1st time a little less the 2nd and none the 3rd time even thought all 3 are programmed the same. the only thing I can think of that changed was windows 10. I am running lor ver 4.2.12 advanced.  any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks Ralph

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If your setup hasn't been used it may be a bad connection.  I had an arch doing something similar, would work fine then skip some or freeze.  turned out to be a bad connection on one of my data lines between the pigtails.

Edited by sticks4legs
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