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Can't get working in sequence, Lights not coming on


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So I think I did all the steps in everything I read and watched and cannot get this working


using a pixie4 with CCR 150 pixels

I open Sequence editor and created new saved and closed

opened pixel editor and made the props and so on (all pics below)

generated an effect and added it to the sequence name opened

saved intensity file


opened sequence editor and saved file and I see the prop now in the sequence but I cannot use it. I have to be missing some step that I can't figure out.


thanks guys







Photo Dec 19, 7 03 06 PM.jpg

Photo Dec 19, 7 05 09 PM.jpg

Edited by brichi
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1. In LOR Network Configuration your Regular network must be set to "enhanced".

2. The LOR Control Panel must be running.

Then you should be able to control lights from the Sequence Editor or the Pixel Editor (Tools > Control Lights).


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thank you

so by doing that I go it to play now in sequence editor but the lights still will not show work in Pixel Editor

thank you for any more help you may be able to be.

the network config did say I needed G3 or higher product, Im assuming the Pixie4 I just bought is, couldn't find much info on this

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so as a test I added a prop effect to a new sequence but now I don't want it, how do I remove it? I tried using the migration tool in PE and remove the prop which it said it did, saved all but when I open up the original in SE it still is playing the prop/effect

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13 hours ago, brichi said:

so as a test I added a prop effect to a new sequence but now I don't want it, how do I remove it? I tried using the migration tool in PE and remove the prop which it said it did, saved all but when I open up the original in SE it still is playing the prop/effect

Did you select File > Save Intensity Data from the Pixel Editor? This is what saves the file that SE is reading.


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i ran another test and attached a video, opened the "new" sequence in PE and turned of the prop, save intensity and file, opened SE and its still there  (lights are not hooked up though and I'm at work so i can't see if the lights actually don't go on if i hit play)

the only way i got the green "prop" to go away in SE was to delete the .lid file


https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1184069/Video Dec 20%2C 12 06 17 PM.mov

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6 hours ago, brichi said:

the only way i got the green "prop" to go away in SE was to delete the .lid file

You are correct.

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