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Simple Show Builder - Cannot Copy to SD - Protected Sequence cannot be Modi


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I have a machine that is running Light o Rama 3.6.0 registered. My customer places his show on an SD card and then runs his DC-MP3 box from the SD card. He has a number of prebuild "protected" sequences that he just wants to load onto the SD card.


We start The Simple show builder

Select our controller

There are a list of about 10 shows "deck the halls, DJ santa etc., a carol of the bells"

We add the files available to the list "files in your show" and click next

Check the date boxes and times, click next

My SD Card is ready and recognized by the system. I click "CLICK HERE To Write the SD card"

The bytes transferred box starts to climb and everything looks great, then it errors out.


"Cannot download file

C:\users\bb\documents\light-o-rama\sequences\A mad russians christmas

Protected sequence cannot be modified."


The files are in that folder.


I'm not modifying anything. All I want are the files on the SD card.  Am I missing something? this is how my customer always puts his files on. what has changed?


I also grabbed some other song files and I cannot get anything to copy over. the song it errors out is always whichever is first. Old sequences, new sequences, nothing works.


I have also completely uninstalled (including removing all registry entries) and reinstalled and re-registered.  


It says i'm modifying a protected sequence. All I want are the files to copy to the SD card.  Help!


I'm stuck.


Edit:: I also tried to update the program which said my licence key would be good for, and it was not, so I uninstalled the new version and put 3.6.0 from my disc back on the machine.

Edited by NuclearBacon
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Thats a great question. I tried updating to 4.something but my licence was no good. The licence was purchased in late 2012, It says I have a 5 seat licence for light o rama basic with superstar demo.


Not sure where I can go.


EDIT:: download 3.8.2, looks like the licence took it. Going to see if my car accepts the files now...

Edited by NuclearBacon
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