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Sequence question from a trigger


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Hope you can help me with a quick Sequence question.


I have got 5 musical Sequences and 1 Sequence to turn all the lights on that I would like to play with the push of 1 button. I have got the inputPup.


I put all the Sequences to play in the interactive part of the show editor under 1 trigger. When I trigger the button one Sequence  plays  until I hit the button again then the 2nd one plays etc. How can I get them all to play once with the push of 1 button?


Many thanks

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Do you have anything else happening in the show, outside of triggered sequences, that you want the trigger to interrupt? Or is it basically "I want to push a button to get my show to start"?


If you basically just want a button to start the show, then in the Show Editor, click on the "Options" button.  In there, there are options on how the show starts up, including starting the show on a trigger.


If you have other things happening in the show, though, you might have to combine the five songs into a single sequence, and trigger that one big sequence.

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