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Pixel Editor Timing with audio


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Hi. I am pretty new to sequencing (last year was first). I just did the first pixel tree (1K pixels, 20 strands of 50). and am trying to use the LOR pixel editor. It seems that whenever I scroll around, the timings that I just set become out of sync with the audio. It is also not in sync with the sequence editor (The same audio that starts at 1:20 in the PE for example, starts at 1:22 in the sequence editor). Not sure if I am just missing something, or something is setup wrong. The audio timing grid appears to be correct, just not synced with playback. Using PE 4.1.2. Using a Win8 laptop AMD Athlon IIp340 dual core 2.2 GHz 4GB ram. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

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I'm guessing your media file is an mp3? If so, try converting it to a wma (windows media audio). You can do this with Audacity or any of the various media format conversion utilities that are out there.


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