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PE Enhancement Request


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Hi Matt,


Have been doing a lot of work with PE and would like to start of by saying I'm really enjoying the way it feels.  I do have a couple of enhancement requests I would like to post though:


1.  In SE, when your cursor is in the sequencing area, a black line follows it in the waveform area.  That would be nice to have in PE as it helps a lot in positioning at times.


2.  Would love to see an option to have the preview window "Always On Top" like SE does.  Every time I do a playback to test my sequencing I have to click on the preview window to bring it to the front.


Lastly, I was just curious if there is an estimated release time on new effects for PE.  I can do quite a lot with what is there, but a bigger selection would be fantastic.


Thanks for your time,


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I have added 1 & 2 to my "requested enhancements" list.


As far as new effects goes, there has been some progress towards publishing a "Pixel Editor Effects API" so people with coding skills could write their own effects. However, this being the busy season for all of us, it probably won't get published until earlier next year.


Thanks for the suggestions!



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2.  Would love to see an option to have the preview window "Always On Top".  Every time I do a playback to test my sequencing I have to click on the preview window to bring it to the front.


This feature is in the 4.2.8 beta, released today. Note that while several people have requested it, when I enabled it on some of my test PCs, it made playback worse. So it may not be appropriate for everyone.



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