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Import Visualization error and instant sequence not controlling LOR lights


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Hello Everyone,


I am a bit new so trying to figure everything out in LOR but after watching videos and reading tutorials I am a bit stumped on how to fix this issue. I have created a visualization with both DMX Pixels and LOR Controlled lights. I have mapped the channels for each fixture and assigned each DMX pixel a universe. 


When I imported into superstar the first time all of the LOR lights and RGB Pixels came over and showed up just like they were in visualizer. However, when i ran an instant sequence it did not use any of the LOR lights and left out several of the DMX pixels. So in the course of testing and make a couple of changes to various elements and reimporting i now get a message that says:




Warning: Failed to add RGB Pixel [12] in device [Leftside Roof CCR 1.3 - DMX P]


This and any other RGB Pixels that failed to add will not appear in the imported visualization.




DOes the same thing for one of the LOR fixtures. If you delete the referenced one it just goes to the next one and so on. But I can run the visualization from the sequence editor and it works the LOR controllers fine in the simulation mode. I even renamed the visualization and reimported it with the same error message above. If any of you could provide some guidance that will get superstar to create an instant sequence for both the RGB pixels and the LOR controllers I would be very thankful!

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Instant sequence will do up to 24 rows on the sequencing grid. I'm guessing that your imported visualization is being mapped to more than 24 rows and the rows above row 24 do not get sequenced by Instant Sequence.


The work around to this is to use 24 rows or less on the sequencing grid. Do the following:


1) launch superstar

2) Click on the File menu and select "import visualization"

3) in the dialog box that pops up set the sequencing grid "Max Length" to something larger than 50, such as 100.

4) click on Ok


With more squares on each row it usually reduces the number of rows.

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